
医疗保健管理vs. 管理:

医疗保健管理与. 医疗管理

医疗保健管理和 医疗管理 经常被错误地视为相同的字段. While there are similarities, there are also unique differences between the two career focuses.

The primary difference between 医疗管理 和 healthcare administration

医疗保健 management focuses on overseeing the direction of a healthcare facility or system, 组织范围内活动, 以及“大局”需求, while healthcare administration focuses on individual departments 和 budgets, 日常操作, 和人员.

医疗保健 management also focuses on the overall needs of the entire organization. By comparison, healthcare administration is more focused on individual areas 和 departments. A healthcare manager helps direct organizational policies 和 procedures 和 shares that information with the entire system, while a healthcare administrator is more focused on best using 和 directing his or her staff within a department.


  • 医院管理
  • 执行董事
  • 实践管理员
  • 公共卫生主任
  • 健康倡导者
  • 社会福利主任


  • 诊所主任
  • 临终关怀主任
  • 健康服务经理
  • 实践管理员
  • 医疗记录管理员
  • 实习或办公室经理

学生也有独特的工作机会 考虑医疗保健管理vs. 护理. With the right education 和 job experience you can earn your way into roles under both umbrellas.


Both 医疗管理员 和 healthcare managers may work in similar settings, 比如医院, 私人诊所, 养老院, 辅助生活设施, or even educational settings such as teaching hospitals or school districts.

The daily tasks 和 strategic goals are often different for 医疗管理 和 healthcare administration employees 和 are often dependent upon where the person works.

Skills needed for 医疗管理员 和 healthcare managers

医疗保健 managers 和 administrators are often found at the executive or c-suite level. Because of this, certain leadership 和 soft skills can help them be successful:

  • 分析技巧
  • 沟通及人际交往能力
  • 解决问题的能力

此外,两者都是至关重要的 医疗管理员 管理人员懂得医学语言, 流程, 以及医院独特的环境, 诊所, 以及其他医疗机构或提供者.

Educational requirements for healthcare administration 和 医疗管理

最低要求取决于工作的性质. In 医疗管理,获得副学士学位 can help you find your first entry-level job in an administrative role 和 springboard your career in healthcare.

对于一个 医疗保健管理职业,赚一笔钱。 卫生管理本科学历 helps prepare students by building their business acumen in areas 比如金融, 幸运28计划管理, 和市场营销, while also giving them a solid foundation for topics unique to the medical field, 比如管理病人记录和隐私法.

For 医疗管理员 or managers who would like to advance to higher-level positions, 比如副总裁或首席运营官, a master’s degree in a health-related field or a master’s in business administration with a concentration in healthcare can be beneficial.

Herzing大学 is proud to offer a Bachelor of Science in 医疗管理 degree that can be completed online in as few as three years. 学生 can choose from three different concentrations 和 earn dual credits toward an 工商管理硕士.

Herzing also offers multiple options at the master's degree level, including a 医疗管理理学硕士 和一个 工商管理硕士. These programs provides students a more in-depth education of healthcare-specific issues, 比如金融, 保险业务, 以及遵从性问题.


Salary can vary on many factors such as experience, education, location, 和 employer. As you gain experience 和 education in your chosen field, your earning potential can increase. 发现 医疗保健经理的平均工资 by state 和 find out what kind of pay you can begin working toward.

研究你的选择? You may also be interested in jobs most closely related to the field of health information management. 发现两者的主要区别 健康管理和健康信息管理.


Are you interested in joining a growing career field 和 making a difference in the lives of patients? 了解更多关于Herzing的信息 在线医疗保健管理计划 今天!

Explore what you need to do to become a healthcare manager




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